Monaco New Year Sunrise 2018
Panorama of the 2018 New Year's sunrise over Monaco. The photograph was taken on the Tête de Chien mountain above the Principality during the early hours of a windy morning.
Discover the photoPanorama of the 2018 New Year's sunrise over Monaco. The photograph was taken on the Tête de Chien mountain above the Principality during the early hours of a windy morning.
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Panorama of the 2018 New Year's sunrise over Monaco. The photograph was taken on the Tête de Chien mountain during the early hours of a windy morning. Thanks to the winds, the air was crisp and clear, free of any humidity, fog or dust, and thus allowed for a beautiful view over parts of the Italian and French Riviera, the Côte d'Azur. This ultra high resolution panorama has a full resolution of 87 megapixel (11,789 × 7,368 pixels at 300 dpi). You may download a free wallpaper version for personal use by clicking on the photo or on the full resolution link provided. For commercial use, please contact Crevisio.